Well, today the proverbial somewhat hit the fan. In the morning, Elanor sent me this picture:
“I can’t get that to sit any further out anymore…now I’m a little worried”
She decided to see if she could cope a few more days until she was back at work and we could sort it then. But then later towards the evening, this happened…
At this point we decided it couldn’t be allowed to go on any longer. I took out the stud and replaced it with a 12mm barbell to give it the space it needed to swell properly and go back down. If you want to see how that went, copy and paste this into your browser. Technological ineptitude means I can’t embed it here. Boo.
Replaced the short gun-piercing stud with a nice long barbell. Much better already.
This is what we took out. The fluid there is a bit of alcohol by the way! Felt compelled to give it a squirt immediately, though not entirely sure why because it went straight in the bin!
measured to check, yes it was 6mm. I wouldn’t ever use a 6mm stud in a new piercing! This is VERY silly.
right to left: the 6mm gun stud that was used, the 8mm labret that should have been used and the 12mm barbell that we fitted to fix it.
So here endeth the experiment. Conclusions in the next and final post!