After 7 days, the gun piercing had to be removed so the experiment ended. I had already (foolishly) written loads more about the stages of healing because we planned to follow it to the end but alas now it will never reach that so I suppose I’ll do another blog one day and save it all for that!
Now that the stud has been removed, Elanor has also decided to stop cleaning and turning the stud and I’ve let her off because she’s been through enough already.
Here are the final Day 8 pictures. The needle piercing has pretty much done nothing so is still healing as you would expect. The gun piercing, although the jewellery has been changed, is still a little tender but that should be better and both should be fully healed in 10 weeks or so.
Thanks for taking this journey with us! It was shorter than I thought but I still learned loads!
Gun piercing is overpriced, uses poor quality metal in its jewellery which is deliberately disguised as good quality and safe when it isn’t. The aftercare solution that is supposed to heal a piercing in 3 weeks is a chemical weapon and should absolutely NOT be put on anyone’s skin, let alone newly pierced ears LET ALONE the newly pierced ears of small children. It’s bleach. Don’t put bleach on yourself. Even on the bumhole. You heard me. Gun piercing in chain stores costs more than needle piercing in most reputable piercing establishments and you get less for your money.
I learned that I probably undercharge but I don’t intend to change that.
The studs used in gun piercings are not suitable for initial piercings, they are far too short.
Gun piercings hurt more and for longer than needle piercings.
The aftercare advice is INSANE and piercings definitely should not be cleaned any more than during normal personal hygiene (hair washing and showering etc)
Studs do not need to be turned every day, in fact they don’t need to be turned at all. In fact that causes more swelling and issues.
Manufacturers and mass producers of guns and gun-studs for piercing do not care about people, they care about money. It isn’t safe and it isn’t pleasant.
In conclusion: Gun piercings are worse than I thought and I am a lot more passionate about banning the practice than I used to be. I will be speaking to the Tattoo and Piercers Union and trying to get this brought to the attention of parliament.
If you want to get yours or your child’s ears pierced, never ever ever go to somewhere that uses a gun. It isn’t worth this:
I’d suggest booking with me instead.